
Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Beginning.....

As some of you know, or don't, I have always wanted to be a farmer. I have no explanation for this other than there may be some repressed genes in my ancestry in which farming was either a chosen lifestyle or something that just had to be done to get by.  I never knew my grandfather on my fathers side, but I have been told that he was a cattle rancher in Arkansas.  My grandpa on my mothers side, at the ripe old age of 91, still tells me stories of when he was a kid, living on the North Shore in Lynn, raising chickens in his back yard.  So from what I can gather there is a bit of farming history on both sides of my family that may have trickled down to me.  None the less it is in my blood and I can't ignore the pull to want to live off the land we have and to become as self sufficient as possible.

When we chose to move to Deerfield NH my husband thought I was crazy.  "Live out in the middle of nowhere in the woods" he said.  I was drawn to Deerfield because of both it's agriculture as well as it's wilderness.  While I would have loved to have more pasture and land I am happy with the 3 1/2 acres we sit on now.  It has given me a chance to ease into a lifestyle that is conducive to farming without getting too excited and thus overwhelmed because I have taken on more projects than I should have.  If we had moved to a house where a pasture and barn were already existing and the projects endless my farming blood might have thinned out quickly and in turn I would have burnt myself out.  Starting small has also been helpful because my hubby has grown to love living in the woods and now enjoys all the seasons for what they bring.  

When I decided to start to start blogging I needed to come up with a theme that would serve several purposes.  I needed it to be fun for me since I was the one who was delving into my writing again and sharing with all of you.  I needed it to be interesting to someone who wasn't me, hopefully you're still reading at this point.  And I needed it to be helpful; in the sense that I could chronologically document my farming adventure as well as teach others about living a sustainable lifestyle, eating healthy and local, and backyard farming.  So hopefully this will allow me to learn more about what I am after at Bolduc Farms and maybe you all can share with me your ideas and knowledge.  So begins the story of Bolduc Farms.....